Resimlerle doldurun Içimde Lise Son Sınıfın Son Cumasının Ince Kederi Var Şiiri.


“Içimde Lise Son Sınıfın Son Cumasının Ince Kederi Var Şiiri” is a popular poem among high school students in Turkey. It reflects the bittersweet emotions that come with the end of the final year of high school. In this article, we will explore the themes and significance of this poem, as well as provide some tips on how to cope with the mixed feelings that arise during this time.

The Significance of the Poem

The poem “Içimde Lise Son Sınıfın Son Cumasının Ince Kederi Var” captures the complex emotions that students experience during their final year of high school. It reflects the excitement of moving on to a new chapter in life, while also acknowledging the sadness and nostalgia associated with leaving behind familiar friends and routines. The poem resonates with many students who are going through similar experiences, making it a relatable piece of literature.

Themes in the Poem

The poem explores several themes that are common during the final year of high school. One of the main themes is the fear of the unknown. As students prepare to leave the familiar environment of high school, they may feel anxious about what lies ahead. The poem also touches upon the bonds of friendship and the sadness of saying goodbye to classmates who have become like family over the years. Additionally, the poem highlights the importance of cherishing the present moment and making the most of the time left in high school.

Coping with Mixed Emotions

As the end of high school approaches, it is natural to feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, you may be excited about the opportunities that await you in the future. On the other hand, you may feel sad about leaving behind the familiar and comfortable. Here are some tips to help you cope with these mixed emotions:

1. Embrace the Change

Instead of resisting the inevitable change, try to embrace it. Remember that change is a necessary part of personal growth and development. Look forward to the new experiences and challenges that await you in the next phase of your life.

2. Stay Connected

Just because high school is ending doesn’t mean you have to lose touch with your friends. Make an effort to stay connected with them through social media, phone calls, or meetups. Plan regular get-togethers to catch up and continue building your friendships.

3. Reflect and Remember

Take some time to reflect on your high school years and all the memories you have made. Write in a journal or create a scrapbook to capture these moments. This will help you appreciate the time you had and the experiences that shaped you.


“Içimde Lise Son Sınıfın Son Cumasının Ince Kederi Var Şiiri” is a poem that beautifully captures the mixed emotions that arise during the final year of high school. It reminds us to cherish the present and embrace the future with open arms. By following the tips mentioned above, you can navigate through this bittersweet time and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

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